Friday, January 22, 2010

Introduction Blog

Hello everyone. I'm Sean Olson, from Lacey, Washington. I was born in Wisconsin and moved out here when I was ten and have lived in Lacey since then. I went to Timberline High School. I like to write, most of the time, but at the same time find it very boring and repetitive. I feel that I am at least a decent writer, and have a lot to improve on. English was usually one of my favorite courses to take during high school, but it was also because I had awesome teachers. I am hoping that this class will help make me a more effective writer. As a whole, I have never been a big fan of school. I usually just sit in class waiting for the bell to ring so that I can go back home. But now I have realized that I am paying for this and that it will help me out later on down the road. So I need to step up my game and do better than last semester. Aside from school, I am a big sports fan and rep my teams from back in Wisconsin. I feel that this picture represents me through my love of sports.


  1. Hey! Im big into sports as well! Hahah I think its really good that you realize you are paying so much for school so you want to do good...Although it is easier said than done. I just figured that out this last year. My freshman year was pretty much a waste of time and i wish i could take it back and start over, but oh well. I had some pretty awesome English teachers in high school too, but Rachel seems to be great heself. She's pretty hilarious too! Well i cant wait to get to know you and have a great weekend!

  2. Hey Sean. Wisconsin huh? I've never been there before. Sounds pretty cool though. Writing can get super boring, especially when I have to about something I don't really care about. The teachers defineatly can make or break a class. My favorite classes from high school that I took last semester sucked because the professors were lame. The good thing about first semester is we get to figure everything out. I did't do as well as I wanted to either. Oh well, at least we have 7 semesters to go. Wow that sounds so long. See you in class!

  3. Hey there! Lacy is a cool place, never been but i heard from some friends that it is pretty fun! To start, I am with you on the school thing, not to say i dont like school because sometimes, and only sometimes it is fun. however, once you get into college and your paying SO MUCH MONEY you really want to get the most out of it. The whole idea that you worked hard to get here and now you have to make the best of it seems like a hard concept to grasp, but we are all doing it. I love sports, i love to watch them but i defiantly need some guidance on what should really be going on! I am glad we got to see a little bit of you in this blog. I think that in this english class our professor is going to bring a whole different side of writing out from all of us, I think we could kinda tell that with in the first week of class! I look forward to seeing you opinion on different views as we progress in this class!!

  4. whats up dude. Seems like your big into football. Im the same, I watch it every sunday, and cant wait for the bowl. I agree that English can be quite repetitive and boring as well. Its goo to see that you've realized that school is important now that you are paying to learn and get an education. Thats big, you need to put school first, and want to learn rather than waiting fo the bell to ring. Im in the same boat as your, Im trying to focus as much as I can and do well. Good luck with school, and all that will come.
