Friday, January 29, 2010

Response 1

I think that Gallien didn't call the cops to help Chris, because it wan't his responsibility to. Although Gallien knew that Chris wasn't fully prepared to venture out into the wilderness, he knew that this was what Chris had planned, so he didn't want to ruin it. Had Gallien known Chris a little better, or had it been one of his friends, I think that he might have tried to get him help. But if I just met somebody who was about to do something like this, I wouldn't want to stop them from doing what they have set out to do. As it seemed like Chris had a decent plan as to what he was going to do. Had their roles been reversed, Gallien wouldn't have wanted Chris to say anything to the authorities, that could possibly end his journey. Most people try to stay out of other people's business, for reasons like this. Also, Gallien probably figured that if things became too rough for him, that he would just turn around and come out. However, had I been in Gallien's position, I would feel really bad knowing that I could have possibly done something to save his life.


  1. I agree with you. It really wasn't Gallien's place to call the cops and bring people in who would just try and stop Chris. I think the worst part about the whole situation is that Gallien has to live with the fact that he didn't go to the police, and that maybe if he had, Chris wouldn't have died. I don't think Gallien is to blame for Chris' death I just feel really bad for the guilt that guy probably has to deal with and most likely thinks about all the time.

  2. All Gallien did was pick up a hitch hiker. Gallien did what chris wanted and there is nothing wrong with that. Everyone in our group had the same views and im sure many others do have the same views as us.

  3. I agree with that, it isn't his place to do something like that, because he did not know Chris. However, at the same time he did not know him so why did he pick him up? Gallien did what he could to prepare Chris, he offered for things that he did not take up, and that is as far as the help can go. I totally agree with you when you said that "most people like to stay out of other peoples business" and that is so true! We are so private people yet so nosey at the same time!

  4. I think everyone agrees with everyone on this topic. We all know it wasnt Gallien's responsibility to contact the cops. In my opinnion he agreed with chris and his point of view agaisnt people like the government. Gallien should not be blamed. Good post.
