Friday, March 26, 2010


To address the isssue of impact on societey, I chose to analyze the television show MASH. This is a show that was on in the 70's that dealt with a group of military doctors during the Korean War. This show has impacted American culture through the aspect that it allows us to see soldiers in a different light. Before this, there was never really any depiction of what it was like to be in the army, and have to deal with people dying all of the time. This has changed the way that we view people in the army, and gives us much more respect for them. This show also portrayed people as making the best out of their bad situations. These people were in the middle of a war and they were still able to joke around and have fun while doing there job. This is also different from other shows like it, because it focused more on the medical team, as opposed to the soldiers on the front lines. When most people think about war all they think about is the people actually fighting, and forget about the people who patch up woulnds and save other lives. These people are doing just as much to save the wounded soldiers, and are as vital as any other piece in the military. This is why they are still around today, because we need their help too. It is also unique in a way that they managed to also lighten the mood with jokes and fun. Not many shows would use such a manner to depict the military. The main issue that I will be covering will be the portayal of the army, and how we have a much better understanding of the work that they do. We can appreciate them more, now that we have been given a behind-the-scenes look at what they have to go through day in and day out.

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